ICLEI Report on San Miguel County Sustainability Inventory
The ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) presented the results of their study on sustainability for San Miguel to 31 interested patrons, including local dignitaries such as the mayor of Mountain Village, and Stu Fraiser from Telluride's town council.
The talk centered on the trends they mapped over the year long study that itemize social activites that could be made more efficient and sustainable.
It's a great initiative, quantifying wasteful use of human resources, and providing the necessary format to action. One of the problems changing human behavior is decding which behavior to target, and how. The diversity of action in any human society is extensive, and trying to implement sustainable practices is a lot like trying to find a speed limt for a race that has humans, horses, and race cars! One size just doesn't fit all. However, this study revealed the web of human society--all our interconnections--and itemized practices across social strata that conform to better models.
It's a great beginning, and will allow Telluride once again to lead the nation in cutting edge social policy. We'll see where it goes! But listening to the town council members--who have been waiting for the release of the final draft of the report to tailor their strategies for town management--was inspiring!
The future really is now!
An alarming fact::
Scientists (most scientists) claim there is now less than a 10-year-window to address climate change. It may not be reversible, although it can potentially be slowed. However continuing on our current shameless course of unfettered industrialism is sincerely foolish!
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