Wilkinson Public Library Blog!

Brief descriptions of programs held at the Wilkinson Public Library, in Telluride, Colorado.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Upcoming Events at the WPL:

Upcoming Programs:

Saturday, Oct.14th, at 6pm, in the Program Room: America vs. Islam
Robert Schulthies will discuss his personal experiences in the Middle East (he spent more than 7 months with an Army Civil Affairs Team researching for his book Waging Peace). Hear firsthand accounts of the profiteering, corruption, inefficiency, and the grossly underestimated campaign out there, and discuss ways to better manage the conflict with fellow Telluriders.

Sunday, Oct. 15th, at 4pm, in the (you guessed it) Program Room: The Perfect Storm: Peak Oil and Global Warming
Local sustainability expert, Kris Holstrom, will present discussion on the coming oil shortage (termed peak oil) and the repercussions on our oil-based economy. Kris recently attended the 3rd Community Solution Peak Oil Conference in Yellow Springs, OH, where she spoke with sustainability gurus like David Orr, Richard Heinberg, Julian Darley, Vicki Robin, and Peter Bane. She will stress new strategies for relocalization, the decentralizing of energy production to the community level, and increased cooperation at the local level.

Monday, Oct. 16th, at 6pm in the Program Room, Free Film Potluck: The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil
Documentary that details post-oil lifestyles in Cuba following a mass oil-shortage in that country. Film is shown as part of the Telluride Unplugged energy-independence awareness week. Patrons are encouraged to bring some healthy, organic foods to share, and discuss the potential impacts of Peak Oil on the US.


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