Wilkinson Public Library Blog!

Brief descriptions of programs held at the Wilkinson Public Library, in Telluride, Colorado.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Your New Librarian--Pickles, the Cat

There's a new librarian at WPL: Pickles, The Cat.

Pickles is your all American moggy, a confident kitten ready to pounce on you at any time. He hides behind books. Skips across shadows. His sharp teeth gnaw on shoe laces and fingers. He's a viscous predator waiting to be hugged.

Pickles belongs to Youth Services Librarian Elizabeth Tracy, who adopted him at the library after he was brought in to tempt patrons to take him home.

He may become the Library Cat--that frisky feline frolicking along avenues of books, sleeping on shelves, or cropping up unexpectedly in the most bizarre places. If the library is a forest of knowledge (books were once trees, after all) then Pickles is like Simba, king of the jungle.

He's unstoppable. Uncatchable. Wiley and wise. A bundle of surprise! An extrovert recluse!

Watch out, kids, Pickles is loose!

Pickles louges in the middle of the floor.

Pickles considers an sudio-book. Is it edible?

Astray in the book shelves, Pickles is in search of knowledge.

Pickles hangs behind a stool in the kids'area, ready to pounce on unsuspecting passers-by.

Taking advantage of a quiet moment, Pickles crosses through the shadows to a sunny stretch, for a quick yawn and whisker-licking.


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